Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve

Sākumlapa History of Turaida Museum Reserve Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve

The Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve (Turaidas muzejrezervāta atbalsta biedrība) is a voluntary organization – a non-profit NGO, aming to provide support and intellectual contribution to defense and maintenance of natural and cultural heritage, so that Turaida Msueum Reserve and its surroundings would be preserved and developed as a significant cultural and historcal object in Latvia for future generations, providing public activity.

The Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve was established on the basis of Support Foundation of Turaida Museum Reserve, which was founded on April 16, 2002, soon after dangerous landslides of February 2002 on Turaida hillfort. This natural disaster was a threat to both – human life and existence of Turaida Medieval Castle – an outstanding historical monument. In this foundation, on purpose to preserve Turaida castle by collecting money and providing support in development and finansing of  special purpose programmes, public-spirited people were involved – former members of parliament Andris Ārgalis and Indulis Emsis, art historian Sarmīte Sīle, director of the Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia Guntis Zemītis, lawyer Inese Berga, Victor Šadinov and others. The cooperation between Museum Reserve and Foundation, as well as social activities facilitated strengthening works on hillfort.

In order to provide successful organization`s activities in future on purpose to preserve Turaida historical centre and Turaida Museum Reserve, on December 12, 2005 the Support Foundation  of Turaida Museum Reserve was re-registred as Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve.

In its turn, to provide successful cooperation with state institutions, in 2007, the Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve joined the Cooperation Memorandum, signed between NGOs and the Cabinet of Ministers on June 15, 2005.

In 2011, the Support Society of Turaida Museum Reserve had 47 members. Chairperson of the Board is an active member of society and sworn advocate – Ilze Krastiņa. At the moment, a member of the Board is Aivars Janelsītis – a local history researcher form Sigulda, who has spent a lot of time to perform public acticities related with cultural, educational and sports activities and their popularization in Sigulda for many years, and Juris Ivars Čivčs – head of Sigulda Department of  Latvian Association of Victims of Political Repression, an active representative of Sigulda Municipality. Most of initial founders are still active, taking part in development of cooperation projects and providing consultations. In the last years some new members, well-known people in Latvia, have joined the society, for example, Hardijs Madzulis, chairman of the Board of Travel agency „Relakstūre”and professor Aivars Vilnis Krastiņš, director of the Institute of International Economical Relations and Customs as well as honorary member – a prominent violinist Raimonds Ozols. Each member of society, in various forms and content, supports museum`s activities.

By support of Society, there are regulary organized cultural events, maintained up relations with other public organizations, as well as raised financial resources and donations for implementation and development of museum`s aims. Each year there are developed and implemented specific projects, by attracting financial resources through participation in competitions (for example, State Cultural Capital Foundation (SCCF)). In addition to the above mentioned, support in elimination of landslide consequences and prevention of the possible problems, the Society has made a contribution in reconstruction of mountain road in the ancient Gauja valley, and in 2010, due to society`s efforts the lease payment for historical buildings in Turaida Museum Reserve was reduced. Besides, the Support Society has made its contribution in implementation of projects related with reaserch, archaeology, educational work and development of cultural environment.

In the nearest future it is planned to support projects related to investigation of Economic Centre of Turaida Estate and development of its infrastructure.